news from a broke down barista

writer : cynicalcoffeechick



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Hello. I work in a coffee shop. Maybe a big brand, maybe not. Doesn't matter, does it?



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It's 2019. COVID-19 is the thing on most peoples minds and facebook feeds. The elderly tend to come to our shop often, and my paycheck doesn't seem equal to the fear of handling a potentially sick persons cash. All while we are close to close too. There will likely need to be more research for this statement to be truly factual, but people always think its a fabulous idea to come somewhere as they are trying to close up shop. My theory is such strong self-absorbtion they either just don't care that we have shit to do, are unaware, or they need an ego boost to feel about as entitled as a person who orders expensive drinks must need to feel. I think we forgot to change the mocha syrup. There was no time. Whilst making a drink, the customer the drink is for raises her voice and shouts at me to get her some napkins. I stopped and gave the wall a death stare. IM LITERALLY. MAKING. YOUR. DRINK. FUCKING WAIT. Customers take shit so serious. Customer is always right, is a great way to make money, while depleting those working there. Creates some kind of food chain within a species. "I'm better than you because I can afford a drink that you get paid not enough to make for me, even if its a simple thing I can just make at home." That kind of thing. We aren't wearing face masks, get yelled at through the carryout window for not wearing gloves, (which would be dumb anyway because you'd have to replace them every 12 seconds.) struggle with more closing tasks and less time, and despite the fact that this damn disease is so god awful hard to know if you have or are exposed, we are still open. The nurses can get coffee from places that are already open and actually are essential, like maybe, a gas station??? Oh my gawd! Who would've thought of that?! WILD. But wait! Theres more! Most of the customers aren't even nurses! 'Karen' and her big fucking mini van will pull up with screaming spoiled pre-teens in her backseat all ready for a sleepover will order 40$ worth of diabetic tooth rotting drinks and a plethora of bakery items. It was a horrible close. We shouldn't just be offered a short paid leave, we shouldn't be open. We shouldn't encourage social gatherings, or drinking from a cup that very well could've been sneezed on, or even !! FUCKING !! handing off cash with your dirt crusted nails that you probably pick your nose with, and your unknowingly infected mucus cells, with your hand wrapping around mine as you grab your drink that you likely don't even need. Money isn't worth this.



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thirty day quarentine.

I'd rather chew on broken glass than drink a cup of coffee at this point.

